

Hi Everyone,

Just a short post today. As we continue our hunt from building supply store to building supply store, we soon discovered the lie about wholesale building supply.

I went to the first wholesale building supply store, to get a quote on roof trusses, they're the triangular wooden bits that hold the roof up, and at times the building together! I learnt most of that today!

The quote from the wholesale building supply store, with their own sawmill no less, was R19 000. Okay, then I went to their competition, another wholesale building supply store, with their own sawmill, and the price dropped to R16 000.00.

This still seemed excessive to me and I got quotes from local building supply stores in our area, and the price continued to drop steadily. I then went to the local building supply store in a small town close to us. It's been my favourite so far as they are so helpful and stock just about anything!

They asked me why I didn't just build them myself.....

They gave me the name of a good local carpenter, with references which check out. And guess what?

All our rafters including wood, are costing us R4 000.

So there you have it, my motto today! Trust no-one!

Wholesale building supply store, my eye!

It's worth the time spent getting quotes, quotes and more quotes. And Never underestimate your local building supply store.

Chances are they'll provide you with the best service.

Happy building supply hunting.

Oh, by the way. While we're looking at everything we need for the new house, the state of our pool leaves a lot to be desired. You really do need to make sure that your pool care schedule is regular to avoid the hassle of getting rid of green water every few weeks. So we are looking at taking a little more positive action with our pool maintenance from now on.

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