

Hi Everyone,

Our plans are submitted, being the layout of the house. Now the finer details. Which roof do we use? Metal roofing prices seem to be the most reasonable. But then again which metal roofing prices? Their is plain old corrugated iron, the IBR and copper roofing material.

Now corrugated metal roofing prices seem to be the cheapest initially, but then I hear they rust and you'll end up having to replace them. Now the IBR Metal Roofing Prices are slightly higher initially, but they come ready coloured, so no cost of paint. They also age much better. As I've said before on this Blog... we're on a shoe string budget, but I do think the slightly higher IBR metal roofing prices are definitely worth it in the long run.

I'm now going to try and find an expert or an article or something to see what they have to say about various roofing options as so far I only have the word of various sales people. I'm looking for an unbiased person, who can give good advice about metal roofing, as this will help us decide whether its worth paying slightly higher metal roofing prices!

Let's see what we find this afternoon!

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